Working with Wonderboy on Thursday, he observed my backwards skating and then asked if I could pick up one of my feet. Heck no! Not going backwards that’s for sure. So that was his diagnosis: to get to the next level in backwards, I need to learn to skate backwards on one foot. Much harder than it may sound. Luckily he is willing to work with me and I have already taken some baby steps in that direction. It’s very hard but so exciting to feel myself inching towards a new goal.Saturday I was at the rink again, more chances to practice my backwards skating. I also have been working on some forward rexing moves that Paul has been teaching me. I have been trying and trying to mimic his movements but I know I am doing it wrong. Saturday something finally clicked in place: I knew I was doing it right, I could just feel it! So awesome!
Sunday I was so eager to show Paul what I had learned, and sure enough, he said I was doing well! I showed him my “one leg backwards” moves as well and he was pleased. Wonderboy thinks I might be able to do backwards crossovers in the next few weeks if I keep working at it. That would be too cool so I am trying not to get ahead of myself, just keep working and hope it happens.
This Sunday I will be skating in the Mother Goose Parade in El Cajon. It’s going to be great fun! I was told to save up my energy so that I can skate for three miles (gulp). Sounds hardcore but I am ready. So if you’re in the Cajon Zone, do come out and check my skating moves!! Happy Winter Skating ya’ll.