Friday, November 25, 2011

In Love with my Eights

Hello out there in the blog world!  I am absolutely thrilled to be writing a regular old blog post.  No more off topic entries or horror stories about my injuries.  In short, I took two months off following my accident in September.  It sucked, I hated not skating.  But I was messed up and needed the break.  Now I am finally working again and yes, skating again.  People close to me are alarmed and concerned.  My doctor's advice was to "please, please never roller skate again".  Sigh.  Where's the sense of adventure?  I am so passionate about skating, there's no way I can stop.  Sorry, worrywarts.

It's hard to describe just how great it is to skate again.  I guess it's because of the forced break, it's made me appreciate it so much more.  Feels JUST AMAZING.  The first few weeks were understandably shaky.  I definitely have lost some of my confidence.  But it's not scary - what is scary is backwards skating since that's how I got hurt.  Session skating and roller dancing, I haven't hurt myself doing those things so I have no fear.  But after the initial few weeks, my confidence is back where it was and I feel like a million bucks when I'm on my wheels.

As for backwards, I am really afraid of it.  In some ways, I just want to forget how to do  it so I can relearn the skill.  Obviously I was doing something wrong.  My friends want to help me.  I have done some very, very slow and careful stuff.  What I have done is backwards couple skating, lots of that.  It may sound silly but I feel safer with a partner. If I were to fall back, I would land on them.  Of course I only skate with highly competent skaters that know how to make sure we don't fall.  We haven't.  Just doing the couples skating has made me feel better about backwards altogether.  I know I will do it by myself again one day. It's just too soon right now.

I've been going to Adult Night at Skate World, of course, but what's even better is I've been able to get up to Cerritos almost on a regular basis!  It's so completely awesome.  Fingers crossed that my ride stays solid.  I've started doing downtown with the skaters up there and they are welcoming me with open arms.  I love it.  They do the same roller dancing we do but with different names and slightly different moves.  It's a trip.  I go up there and pick up new steps and then I show my crew when I come back home.

That's about it, and of course skating at the Bay every weekend.  Been doing a lot more teaching there, I like it.  We are always trying to recruit new skaters to learn roller dancing. It's a dying art!  You know you want to learn.  Hit me up.

Me and my buddy, Paul, getting our Halloween roll on

Monday, November 7, 2011

Interview with Skate Lisa

Hi out there, I know I have been quiet but I am busy recuperating.  It's almost been two months so I am totally getting there!  In the meantime, enjoy a piece about one of my very favorite skaters, Skate Lisa. :)

Skate Lisa.  You may have heard about this dynamic quad skater, seen her videos on youtube, or even had the pleasure of skating with her at Venice Beach (she's only been skating there for over a decade).  Everyone should know more about Lisa, so this blogger asked her to take a few minutes out of her busy day and answer some questions.  She was completely gracious, willing and helpful.

Sara Skates:  Talk about your earliest roller skating memory.
Skate Lisa:  My earliest memory was opening my first pair of roller skates on my 10th Birthday, I had the biggest smile on my face, it was like magic shoes.

SS:  I am so excited to interview a pro like yourself.
SL:  I don't consider myself a pro, I just worked very hard for years and got noticed by TV producers etc., Riedell spotted me all over Europe, America, etc. and decided to sponser me, to which I am eternally grateful.

SS:  I know you're from London, is that where you live?
SL:  I am on the road quite a lot but not normally for months at a time.  London is my home but my heart admittedly is in California as I lived there for several years.

SS:  Talk about a day in the life of Skate Lisa.
SL:  A day in the life of me involves training at the gym, checking all my emails, and I quite often stretch and skate a bit at home too.  I always make time to visit my parents who have been wonderful in supporting what I do. 

SS:  Are there any skate moves you don't know how to do?
SL:  I am always up for learning new stuff. You will quite often see me at Rinks alone practicing new moves.

SS:  What is your diet like?
SL:  My diet is clean most of the time, lots of fish, rice, protein, vegetables -CHOCOLATE sometimes lol

SS:  What is your greatest accomplishment thus far?
SL:  My greatest accomplishment to date is having skated in so many different places and met so many different people.

SS:  Do you have a motto you live by?

SS:  It was such an honor to meet you and get a little insight into who you are. Do you have any last words you want to leave my readers with?
SL:  So many girls are scared to let go and be themselves, I have been told that this is what makes me stand out as a skater.  When I was 10 years old, I never dreamt of doing what I do now, but something inside always pushed me. GO FOR IT GIRLS!

Big thanks to Skate Lisa for allowing me this interview.  Can't wait to see her again soon in Cerritos or down here at the beach.