Monday, August 22, 2011

Skate Love

Good morning out there in the blogosphere!  I have a bunch of news to report so I will get down to it.  First off, I was up in Skate Depot a couple weeks ago as I had told you.  Oh man, it was just so wonderful.  I know I say that everytime but I can't help it, it seems like it's better each time I go.  Anyway, I went up with Nero and we worked a lot on our couple skating.  Yeah we are totally doing awesome, we didn't fall the whole night and we are perfectly synchronized.  It's awesome.  Now we are doing a lot of backwards couple skating, it's super exciting.  But beyond that, with my solo skating, I just had so much fun.  There is a different calibre of skating expertise up there and it feels amazing to keep up.

In other news, we had a roller skating celebrity visit Skate This at the Bay a few weeks ago.  Skate Lisa appeared out of no where and showed us her awesome moves!  It was pretty awesome.  She is something else.  She's like this little tiny lady but she has mad swag.  Totally amazing jam skate moves which she puts her own twist on.  She was very down to earth and took a bunch of pictures with us.  Apparently she travels all around the world for Riedell, promoting roller skating.  She had these crazy skates on that she said cost $1000!  Nuts.  Anyway, I am very excited to annouce that she has granted me an interview for this blog!  Is that cool or what.  I am super excited.  I'm interviewing her next week so stay tuned for a great piece on Skate Lisa!

I did a roller skating photo shoot with Edwin Real.  I wanted to have pictures of me skating since I am so passionate about it and it means so much to me.  It's such a big part of my life and I don't even have any evidence of it, except for the videos that I did recently.  So we did that last week and let me tell you, the pics came out great!  He did an amazing job.  I will be honest - I didn't take a lot of chances during the photo shoot because I had a grip of people watching me and I seriously did not want to fall.  But he still got some really nice shots of me.  The reaction to the photos has been really heartwarming, sort of like a new rush of support from my friends and family.  <3

Exciting stuff going on with the blog!  I really appreciate any one that takes a minute out of their day to read my ramblings.  Pretty cool.

Photo Credits:  Miss Magnolia and Sushinadi

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